
Hylands Arnisport - 50 Tablets

$ 24.24

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Hylands Arnisport Description: 100% Natural Fast Post-Workout Relief--Aspirin Free--Quick Dissolving Tablets Hylands Arnisport Tablets are specifically formulated homeopathic medicine developed for the athlete or weekend warrior. ArniSport provides 100% natural relief for muscle aches and pains due to strain or injury from overexertion. Hylands Bioplasma helps to restore the bodys cellular balance after post-workout depletion. Best administered immediately after workout. ArniSport contains no aspirin, sucrose, dextrose, or non-steridal anti-flammatory drugs. Like all homeopathic medicines, Hylands ArniSport has no known contraindications or side effects. Disclaimer These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Ingredients: Arnica Montana 30X HPUS - for bruising and muscle soreness
Hypericum Perfoliatum 6X HPUS - for nerve injuries due to blows
Ruta Graveolens 6X HPUS - for the connective tissues of the body; sprains, twists and shin splints
Ledum Palustre 6X HPUS - for stitching pains and red, hot inflammations.
Bellis Perennis 6X HPUS - for sprains, swellings and muscular soreness
Hylands Bioplasma 6X HPUS - a combination of biochemic tissue salts that help restore the bodys cellular balance after depletion
in a base of Lactose (milk sugar), N.F.

Hylands Bioplasma contains: Calcarea Fluorica 6X HPUS, Calcarea Phosphorica 3X HPUS, Calcarea Sulphurica 3X HPUS, Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Kali Muriaticum 3X HPUS, Kali phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Kali Sulphuricum 3X HPUS, Magnesia Phosphorica 3X HPUS, Natrum Muriaticum 6X HPUS, Natrum Phosphoricum 3X HPUS, Natrum Sulphuricum 3X HPUS, Silicea 6X HPUS.